Wednesday evenings 8:00pm-9:00pm
Spring Valley,New York
No class on holidays or if holiday that evening.
Baruch Hashem, I have been privileged to teach Torah most of my religious life! I began my teaching career as a counselor (madrichah) in the youth movement Bnei Akiva, South Africa. After graduating high school, I spent the next five years combining a BA degree in Education from Witz (SA) with extensive time spent in Eretz Yisroel studying Torah in Michelet Bruria, Neve Yerushalyim and Machon Alta of Tzfat.
I was very fortunate to teach for a number of years in Machon Chana, Crown Heights and have been on staff for numerous retreats with Bais Chana International. I am involved in JWRP (Jewish Women's Renaissance Project) and have led two trips to Eretz Yisroel as a City Leader.
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